Ageing Rabbits

Ageing Rabbits

Some of our rabbits are pretty senior now and we're delighted that they have reached double figures. However, we have to keep our eyes open for any changes in their behaviour, and alter their environment accordingly. It is good to think they have lived this long outside, altogether in a roaming warren. When possible we have had them out running freely as well, although it is noticeable they have slowed down a bit! We make sure they have easy to run to hides and pipe sleeves on their tunnels now.

Bear (initially found as a stray in 2014) recently suffered a head tilt probably as a result of a virus. He seemed very thin and wonky, but he rallied, put on weight, and although not straight, he did take on a better posture. Polar (younger at around 4) luckily cared for him and they shared food and pampered each other - demonstrating their strong bond.

Today, at the vets we found that he had lost a bit of weight, so now I am making sure he can eat easily with his difficulty. I don't use bowls but am trying a shallow one in his case because he may find the food quicker. I am preparing a mixed dish containing an egg cup of nuggets, herbs, cabbage and a little piece of apple today. We will continue to weigh him each week.

Mrs Nice (now 11) was not on her feet today although happily eating. Our vet gave her a pain killer which we will continue to administer twice a day. Again, she is on a careful watch to see if she needs to be separated from Teddy for a while. She usually pesters Teddy but he might take advantage if she's weak so I am going to watch out for any social change there. 

I hope to be able to update with better news soon. In the meantime the older couples still access the upper watch tower floor and enjoy the deep trays in the runs. We find generous areas of hay are appreciated as their age. Mrs Nice was lying in it this morning eating hay but unstable when she tried to move. 

After the vets I popped her in the tray in the run which was receiving some autumn sunshine.



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